Acer palmatum 'Jiro Shidare' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Jiro Shidare' Weeping Japanese Maple
from $39.00
This mounding form of maple with adds a little something different to the garden. It is fairly rare to see a maple with this growth habit that does not have dissected leaves. Growing slightly upright when young 'Jiro shidare' which means white cascading soon becomes spreading and then quite pendulous with age. New leaves emerge with a pink cast in spring before quickly turning a nice medium green. Fall color is crimson red. 10 Year Size:  Height: 5-7 Feet Width: 6-8 Feet
Acer palmatum 'Hubble's Super Cork' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Hubble's Super Cork' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Hubble's Super Cork' Rough Bark Japanese Maple
from $59.00
Acer palmatum ‘Hubble’s Super Cork’ is a relatively new variety that develops rough bark at a very young age compared to similar varieties. These rough bark Japanese maples are always fascinating because it is such a stark contrast from the typical smooth bark of the vast majority of Japanese maples. ‘Hubble’s Super Cork’ leafs out in the spring with bright green leaves which darken as summer approaches. Fall color is a vibrant orange to red. These colors are even more striking when contrasting off of the brown, rough bark. ‘Hubble’s Super Cork’ is another must have variety for all rough bark fans.10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Harold's Pink and White' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Harold's Pink and White' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Harold's Pink and White' Variegated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Harold’s Pink and White’ is an outstanding variegated variety of Japanese maples. This should come as no surprise due to the name, but the light green leaves are covered with splashes of pinks and whites. These colors fade but do persist through the summer months even in hotter climates. Fall color is orange.10 Year Size: Height: 8- 10 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Alpine Silver Thread' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Alpine Silver Thread' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Alpine Silver Thread’ is an outstanding Japanese maple with reticulated variegation. ‘Alpine Silver Thread’ has white leaves with green veins in the spring. This coloring gives the appearance that ‘Alpine Silver Thread’ is glowing in the garden. The leaves will fade to green in the summer, but it still maintains much of the reticulated variegation. Fall color ranges from yellow to orange. ‘Alpine Silver Thread’ has an upright growth habit that doesn’t get very big.
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Acer palmatum 'Corallinum' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Corallinum'
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Corallinum' represents a fine example of a whole group of similar maples that emerge salmon-pink to pinkish-red in spring. These 5 lobed semi dwarf trees are all known for there spectacular spring displays. More pink than 'Shinde shojo' or Beni maiko', Corallinum really stands out in the garden. Even the new stems and petioles are pink to red. Though a fantastic tree it tends to always be leggy in pots and never really fills in until planted in the ground for a couple of years. Also 'Corallinum is never as pink for us in the Southeast as it is for people in cooler climates. After turning green in early June we are usually treated to a second burst of color in August with the new flush of pinkish-red new leaves. Fall color is usually an orange-red to pink-red. 10 Year Size: Height: 5-7 feet    Width: 3-4 feet
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Acer sieboldianum 'Sode no uchi' - mapleridgenursery
Acer sieboldianum 'Sode no uchi' Full Moon Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer sieboldianum ‘Sode no uchi’ is a hardy, cold tolerant Japanese maple. ‘Sode no uchi’ is a medium growing Japanese maple. ‘Sode no uchi’ leafs out with light green leaves in the spring. These leaves darken as the temperatures get warmer. When fall arrives, ‘Sode no uchi’ puts on a show with vibrant yellow and orange leaves. 10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Tess' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Tess' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Tess' Green Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Tess’ is a green upright variety with much smaller leaves than most upright varieties. ‘Tess’ is a fast growing Japanese maple that should reach 12 feet tall at maturity. ‘Tess’ has attractive green foliage that can actually even handle a little bit of sun. Fall color is a vibrant orange. ‘Tess’ is a fairly new, rare variety that is quite hard to find.10 Year Size: Height: 10-12 feet Width: 4-6 feet
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Acer palmatum 'Tattoo' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Tattoo' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Tattoo' Dwarf Japanese Maple
from $49.00
Acer palmatum ‘Tattoo’ is a fantastic dwarf Japanese maple with similar characteristics to ‘Mikawa Yatsabusa’. While similar, ‘Tattoo’ grows slower, stays smaller, and has more deeply divided leaves than ‘Mikawa yatsabusa’. ‘Tattoo’ leafs out with lime green leaves in the spring that turn to a dark green by summer. Fall color is then yellow to orange. Acer palmatum ‘Tattoo’ is one of our very favorite dwarf Japanese maples, and it is very hard to come by. 10 Year size: Height: 2-3 feet Width: 2-3 feet
Acer palmatum 'Sekimori' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Sekimori' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Sekimori' Dwarf Japanese Maple
from $39.00
'Sekimori' is known as much for the attractive white striations on the bark as it is for its gracefully growth habit which unlike many dissectums, is slightly more prostrate than pendulous. Fall color is usually a nice pastel yellow but in more sun will have orange tones mixed through the leaves.10 Year Size:   Height:  3-4 Feet    Width:  5-7 Feet
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Acer palmatum 'Matsugae' Variegated Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Matsugae' Variegated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
We find 'Matsugae' to be a very dependable variegated cultivar in the southeast. In spring it opens with cream and rose markings along its irregular shaped medium green leaves. In summer the rose color fades away and the cream turns pure white leaving beautifully contrasting variegation all summer long. Red petioles also add to the overall appearance of 'Matsugae'. This is a very old cultivar with a name that means 'the pine branch' which is hard to understand for a variegated cultivar. This plant is similar to 'Kagiri nishiki' but is faster growing and has better variegation. Fall color is usually orange. 10 year size:  Height: 8-10 Feet   Width: 10-12 Feet
Acer palmatum 'Mardi Gras' Variegated Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Mardi Gras' Variegated Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Mardi Gras' Variegated Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Mardi Gras' shows more color in early spring than just about any Japanese Maple. Wonderful pink and white colors show up on new growth. Late season growth in summer will give you another blast of color. Older plants do not tend to show nearly as much variegation as younger more vigorous plants. Heavy pruning just prior to leafing out in the spring can sometimes return older plants to the vibrant colors of younger plants.  10 year size:  Height: 8-10 Feet   Width: 6-8 Feet
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Acer palmatum 'Lima Gold' Dwarf Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Lima Gold' Dwarf Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Lima Gold’ is a dwarf Japanese maple with bright, lime-green foliage. This color holds pretty well into the summer. Fall color then ranges from bright yellow to orange. ‘Lima gold’ stays very small at maturity and maintains a dense shrubby habit. 10 Year Size: Height: 2-4 Width: 2-4
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Acer palmatum 'Komachi hime' Dwarf Japanese Maple - Maple Ridge Nursery
Acer palmatum 'Komachi hime' Dwarf Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Komachi hime’ is a very dense small shrub like maple with bright red edges to the small yellow green leaves in early spring, In summer the red edges fade and the five lobed leaves become dark green throughout. Komachi can a be a horticultural term for dwarf and hime means small leaves. Komachi also can mean beautiful little girl and planted in partial shade this little girl will be a wonderful addition to any garden.     10 Year Size:  Height:  1-2 Feet   Width: 3-4 Feet
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Acer palmatum 'Koto no ito' Strap Leaf Japanese Maple Maple Ridge Nursery Acer palmatum 'Koto no ito' Strap Leaf Japanese Maple Maple Ridge Nursery
Acer palmatum 'Koto no ito' Thread Leaf Japanese Maple (Pre-Order)
from $49.00
Acer palmatum ‘Koto no Ito’ has  been described as the dancing monkey tree for the way the extremely narrow lobes dance in the wind. The habit of 'Koto no ito' is upright and very nice. It's vary narrow strap like leaves  inspired Koichiro Wada of  Japan to name it 'Koto no ito' which means harp strings.  Fall color begins as a wonderful yellow moving towards gold and finishing blended with orange.  Trees listed as Pre-order are not yet available and will not ship immediately. These trees will ship when they become available. 10 year size:  Height: 5-6 Feet   Width: 3-5 Feet Spring Color: Green Summer Color: Green Fall Color: Yellow Sun Tolerance: Partial Planting: Elevated, Well Drained Soil
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Acer palmatum ‘Shidiva Gold’ - Maple Ridge Nursery
Acer palmatum 'Shidiva Gold' Dwarf Green Bark Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Shidiva Gold' is a smaller form of 'Aoyagi'. 'Shidiva Gold' is known for its bright green foliage, green bark, and compact structure. The leaves of 'Shidiva Gold' emerge in the spring with a bright, chartreuse green color that only slightly fades into a light green in the summer. These leaves then turn to a bright yellow in the fall.  10 Year Size: Height: 6-8 feet   Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Hoshi Zora' Weeping Japanese Maple - Maple Ridge Nursery Acer palmatum 'Hoshi Zora' Weeping Japanese Maple - Maple Ridge Nursery
Acer palmatum 'Hoshi Zora' Weeping Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum Hoshi Zora' is a Japanese maple with a dramatic weeping habit. 'Hoshi Zora' is very similar to the ever popular 'Ryusei'. 'Hoshi Zora' has bright green leaves in the spring that darken to an emerald green in the summer. Fall color is a bright and stunning orange. 'Hoshi Zora' grows with mostly just a downward, weeping habit. 'Hoshi Zora' will need to be staked to achieve any measurable height. This makes 'Hoshi Zora' a fantastic tree for planters or tall pots. 10 Year Size: Height: 1-2 feet   Width: 4-6 feet