A Comprehensive Guide to Weeping Dwarf Japanese Maples Japanese maples are renowned for their stunning beauty, graceful form, and vibrant foliage, making them a popular choice for ga...
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As summer arrives with its warm, sunny days, gardening enthusiasts must take special care of their plants to ensure that everything continues to thrive. This is particularly true of Japanese maples. Japanese Maples can be vulnerable to the intense heat...
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Japanese maples are typically known for their exquisite foliage and captivating aesthetics, but with hundreds of diverse varieties there are many with distinct characteristics that are unique to the general understanding of Japanese maple beauty. While...
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Coral Bark Japanese Maples are revered for their stunning appearance and unique coral red bark color. These ornamental trees have become a favorite among garden enthusiasts, adding a touch of elegance and vibrancy to landscapes.
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Japanese maples are known for their elegant shapes and structures and even more for their stunning foliage. As deciduous trees that drop their leaves in the winter, many people believe that Japanese maples are only interesting in spring, summer, and fa...
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Abies koreana, commonly known as the Read more

Pruning is a crucial aspect of Japanese maple care that contributes to the health, aesthetics, and longevity of these beautiful specimens. Proper pruning helps maintain a desirable shape, promotes air circulation, and encourages new growth. In this art...
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People are always curious what to do with their plants in the cold. Luckily, Japanese maples are some of the most cold hardy trees there are. However, there are still several things you need to know when caring for your Japanese maple over the winter. ...
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Background Our first blog of the year is a special one for me. While we were cleaning out a room at the nursery last month we came across an old pamphlet that my dad had written about bonsai. He started our nursery back in the late 80's in hopes of creating a bonsa...
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