Pinus thunbergii 'Ogon' Japanese Black Pine - Maple Ridge Nursery Pinus thunbergii 'Ogon' Japanese Black Pine - Maple Ridge Nursery
Pinus thunbergii 'Ogon' Japanese Black Pine
from $49.00
Pinus thunbergii 'Ogon' is a Japanese Black Pine with golden yellow needles especially at the tips of the needles. The yellow is more pronounced in the winter. Golden yellow color comes out better in sunny situations.  10 Year Size: Height: 6-8 feet   Width: 5-6 feet 
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Acer palmatum 'Oki kasane' - Maple Ridge Nursery
Acer palmatum 'Oki kasane' Corallinum Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Oki kasane’ is a member of the Corallinum group of Japanese maples. All of these Corallinum type Japanese maples leaf out very early in the spring, and when they do, ‘Oki kasane’ has beautiful peachy orange foliage. This incredible color typically holds through April. The colors then transition to orange and then eventually green by the end of May. Much like other Corallinum type Japanese maples and maybe more than the others, ‘Oki kasane’ will usually push new growth in the summer which resembles the bright orange-red foliage of spring. This new growth on top of the olive green foliage is extremely attractive. Fall color is then orange to red.  10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Tsukubane' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Tsukubane' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Tsukubane' Green Japanese Maple
from $39.00
In early spring leaves emerge red with green center in sunny locations. In more shade the leaves are green with red tint on the lobes. Either way they are totally green in a matter of days. However, the reason to grow this tree is for the wonderful bright red fall color. 'Tsukubane' is fast growing and becomes a large round topped specimen with age. Older trees regularly achieve heights of more than 25 feet. The Japanese name means ridge on Mount Tsukuba. 10 Year Size:   Height: 12-15 Feet   Width: 8-10 feet Our 1 Gallon and 3 Gallon sizes are available for shipping and in store pickup. Our larger sizes (7 Gallon and bigger) are only available for in store pickup.
Acer palmatum 'Nebula' Reticulated Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Nebula' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Nebula’ is another in a long line of excellent, reticulated Japanese maples introduced by Buchholz nursery. The leaves of Nebula emerge a light pink with peach and cream variegation. The foliage fades to green by summer but maintains the darker contrasting veins. These leaves then change to a striking red color in the fall. ‘Nebula’ is a small to medium growing Japanese maple that will grow to about 8 feet tall at maturity. 10 Year Size: Height: 6-8 feet Width: 4-6 feet
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Acer japonicum 'O isami' - mapleridgenursery
Acer japonicum 'O isami' Full Moon Japanese Maple
from $49.00
Foliage on this japonicum emerges light green in spring becoming darker in summer. This vigorous grower forms a nice round topped tree. Older specimens can reach 25 to 30 feet. Fall color is a wonderful blend of red, yellow and orange. 10 Year Size: Height: 12-14 Feet Width: 8-10 Feet
Acer palmatum 'Orange Hagoromo' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Orange Hagoromo' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Hanezu Hagoromo' Feather Leaf Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Hanezu Hagoromo’ has a very unique leaf shape that categorizes this tree as a Sessilifolium Japanese maple. All Japanese maples in this group are known for their small, feathery shaped leaves. These oddly shaped leaves are yellow in the spring and light green in the summer. Fall color is bright orange to red. 'Hanezu Hagaromo' is also sometimes referred to as 'Orange Hagaromo'. 10 Year Size: Height: 6-8 feet Width: 4-6 feet
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Acer shirasawanum 'Mikado' - mapleridgenursery
Acer shirasawanum 'Mikado' Full Moon Japanese Maple
from $49.00
Acer shirasawanum ‘Mikado’ is a shorter growing full moon Japanese maple with large, rounded leaves. These leaves emerge in the spring with a striking plum red color. Green and bronze tones begin to creep into the center of the leaves come summertime, giving the leaves a very attractive color even in the hotter months. ‘Mikado’ then turns a brilliant red in the fall. 10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Cryptomeria japonica 'Koshyi' - mapleridgenursery
Cryptomeria japonica 'Koshyi' Dwarf Japanese Cedar
from $29.00 $35.00
'Koshyi' is an extremely small flat bun shaped Cryptomeria. We find 'Koshyi' to perform equally well in full sun or fairly shady conditions. 10 year size: Height: 8-10 Inches Width: 18-24 InchesColor: GreenSun Tolerance: Partial
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Cedrus deodora 'Devinely Blue' - mapleridgenursery
Cedrus deodora 'Devinely Blue'
from $29.00 $35.00
'Divinely Blue' is known for its deep blue foliage and nice compact habit. When young it usually appears to be a small flat topped shrub, with age it will sometimes forms a leader that can be pruned or left if a small tree form is desired. 10 year size: Height: 2-5 Feet Width: 2-3 FeetColor: BlueSun Tolerance: Full
Mystery Conifer - Maple Ridge Nursery Mystery Conifer - Maple Ridge Nursery
Mystery Conifer
from $29.00 $29.00
Receive a Mystery Conifer from Maple Ridge Nursery! For a discounted price we will send you a Mystery Conifer. You can select a one time purchase or subscribe to our Mystery Conifer Club and receive periodic trees at your chosen intervals. We have both grafted conifers and conifers grown on their own roots. Rooted Mystery Conifers may include Hinoki Cypresses, Deodara Cedars, Japanese Cedars, Junipers, Arborvitaes and more! Grafted Conifers will typically be rare pines such as Japanese Red, White, or Black Pines or Eastern White Pines. These grafted conifers could also include various spruce and fir species such as Norway Spruce or Korean Firs. There are just so many options, its time to see which one you'll get!
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Acer palmatum 'Mystic Mikawa' - Maple Ridge Nursery Acer palmatum 'Mystic Mikawa' - Maple Ridge Nursery
Acer palmatum 'Mystic Mikawa'
from $79.00
Examples of the current sizes are included in the pictures.
Acer palmatum 'Dragon Master' Yellow Weeping Japanese Maple - Maple Ridge Nursery
Acer palmatum 'Dragon Master' Weeping Dwarf Japanese Maple
from $59.00
Acer palmatum 'Dragon Master' is a Weeping Dwarf Japanese Maple with Small, Broad Leaves with Bright Yellow Color Acer palmatum ‘Dragon Master’ is a bright yellow version of the popular weeping Japanese maple, ‘Ryusei’. Acer palmatum ‘Dragon Master’ is a weeping dwarf Japanese maple with some of the most pendulous growing branches of any Japanese maple in existence. 'Dragon Master' grows straight down with a dramatic weeping growth habit. With this extreme growth habit 'Dragon Master' won't achieve much height at all without staking. The natural growth of 'Dragon Master' will create a mounding ground cover on its own. 'Dragon Master' is generally staked up to a certain height then allowed to fall to the ground making a beautiful flowing waterfall like affect. The most unusual thing about 'Dragon Master' aside from its bright yellow foliage is that it has this extreme weeping growth habit but is the leaves are fully palmate instead of the traditionally lacy leaves of most weeping Japanese maples. The leaves of 'Dragon Master' are bright yellow and very attractively star shaped. Most cascading varieties have dissected leaves which makes 'Dragon Master' one of the most unique varieties of weeping dwarf Japanese maples there is. ‘Dragon Master’ has very bright yellow leaves in the spring. These yellow leaves are about as bright yellow as any other Japanese maple that we grow. Yellow Japanese maples like 'Dragon Master' do a great job of contrasting with the popular red Japanese maples. The leaves somewhat to a chartreuse green in the summer before turning orange to bright red in the fall. Acer palmatum 'Dragon Master' is a dwarf Japanese maple that will grow best in partial sun in basically all climates. 'Dragon Master' should grow perfectly well in zones 5 through 9. 'Dragon Master' can be trained to achieve many different interesting shapes. What is the 10 Year Size of Acer palmatum 'Dragon Master'? Height: 2-4 feet Width: 4-6 feet What is the Spring Color of Acer palmatum 'Dragon Master'? Yellow What is the Summer Color of Acer palmatum 'Dragon Master'? Yellow-Green What is the Fall Color of Acer palmatum 'Dragon Master'? Orange and Red What is the Leaf Shape of Acer palmatum 'Dragon Master'? Small Broad Leaf What is the Sun Tolerance of Acer palmatum 'Dragon Master'? Partial Sun What Growing Zones are suitable for Acer palmatum 'Dragon Master'? Zones 5-9 What is the Shape of Acer palmatum 'Dragon Master'? Weeping Japanese Maple What is the Growth Rate of Acer palmatum 'Dragon Master'? Moderate Growing Dwarf Japanese Maple How should Acer palmatum 'Dragon Master' be planted? Elevated in Well Drained Soil
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Acer palmatum 'Satsuki Beni' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Satsuki Beni' Green Japanese Maple
from $49.00
Spring is a wonderful time for Acer palmatum ‘Satsuki Beni’ as chartreuse leaves are adorned with red highlights at the tips. ‘Satsuki beni’ is a strong grower, older plants can attain 25 feet or more. Fall color is red and fantastic most years. 10 Year size:  Height: 10-12 Feet   Width: 5-7 Feet
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Acer palmatum 'Monticello Gardens' Red Dwarf Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Monticello Gardens' Red Dwarf Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Monticello Gardens' Red Dwarf Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Monticello Gardens’ is a lace leaf Japanese maple with a weeping, sprawling habit. There are some red Japanese maples that hold their red color well in the summer and then there is ‘Monticello Gardens’. This tree stays red all the time. ‘Monticello Gardens’ is red in the spring, it is red in the summer and then it is, of course, red in the fall. I imagine if it wasn’t deciduous, it would find a way to be red in the winter as well. ‘Monticello Gardens’ is the perfect Japanese maple for the people that don’t want their red Japanese maple to lose its color in the summer.10 Year Size: Height: 3-5 feet Width: 4-6 feet
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Acer palmatum 'Dragon's Fire' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Dragon's Fire' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Dragon's Fire' Dwarf Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Dragon’s Fire’ is an awesome lace leaf Japanese maple that leafs out bright, fiery red before turning peach, then burgundy, then green in the summer. ‘Dragon’s Fire’ then turns bright orange to red in the fall. This is an outstanding new lace leaf cultivar for us that we are very excited about. 10 Year Size: Height: 3-5 feet Width: 4-6 feet
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Acer palmatum 'Coral Magic' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Coral Magic' Rare Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Coral Magic’ is a gorgeous dwarf Japanese maple with pinkish orange spring color. The color of the leaves fades to green into summer. The small leaves on ‘Coral Magic’ are very attractive even when fully green. ‘Coral Magic’ then turns a bright orange, almost pink in the fall. ‘Coral Magic’ is a small growing tree that will grow about as wide as it is tall.10 Year Size: Height 4-6 feet Width: 4-6 feet