Acer palmatum 'Mikawa yatsubusa' Dwarf Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Mikawa yatsubusa' Dwarf Japanese Maple - Maple Ridge Nursery
Acer palmatum 'Mikawa yatsubusa' Dwarf Japanese Maple
from $49.00
Acer palmatum 'Mikawa Yatsubusa' is the Most Interested Dwarf Japanese Maple in Existence Acer palmatum 'Mikawa yatsubusa' is one of the most cool and unique dwarf Japanese maple varieties in existence. 'Mikawa yatsubusa' is slow growing with closely arranged leaves that create a wonderful stubby upright tree. The defining characteristic of 'Mikawa yatsubusa' is the short inter nodal lengths and closely growing buds that create a stacked shingle like appearance of the leaves. 'Mikawa yatsubusa' has broad leaves that lay flat and close together. The leaf color of this interested dwarf Japanese maple tree is bright green in the spring. The green color darkens in the summer and in the shade. 'Mikawa yatsubusa' has incredible fall color ranging from orange to red. 'Mikawa yatsubusa' puts on quite a show in the fall for a dwarf Japanese maple. While it may be slow growing, 'Mikawa yatsubusa' is still a very hardy tree and can be grown in climates all over the United States. 'Mikawa yatsubusa' can be comfortably grown in zones 5 through 9. 'Mikawa yatsubusa' can be grown in full sun in most climates. In the hottest locations 'Mikawa yatsubusa' would prefer some afternoon shade at the very least. However, 'Mikawa yatsubusa' does not require much sun and can be grown in shade in pretty much all climates. This great little plant was found in the 1970s in the Tōkai region of Japan and named after the old Mikawa province there. 'Mikawa yatsubusa' has become known as one of the most interesting Japanese maples in existence and now has a multitude of other Japanese maple varieties that have been created from its seeds. What is the 10 Year Size of Acer palmatum 'Mikawa Yatsubusa'? Height: 4-6 feet Width: 3-4 feet What is the Spring Color of Acer palmatum 'Mikawa Yatsubusa'? Light Green What is the Summer Color of Acer palmatum 'Mikawa Yatsubusa'? Green What is the Fall Color of Acer palmatum 'Mikawa Yatsubusa'? Orange to Red What is the Leaf Shape of Acer palmatum 'Mikawa Yatsubusa'? Broad Flat Leaf What is the Sun Tolerance of Acer palmatum 'Mikawa Yatsubusa'? Partial Sun What Growing Zones are suitable for Acer palmatum 'Mikawa Yatsubusa'? Zones 5-9 What is the Shape of Acer palmatum 'Mikawa Yatsubusa'? Upright and Compact Japanese Maple What is the Growth Rate of Acer palmatum 'Mikawa Yatsubusa'? Slow Growing Dwarf Japanese Maple How should Acer palmatum 'Mikawa Yatsubusa' be planted? Elevated in Well Drained Soil
Acer palmatum 'Peaches and Cream' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Peaches and Cream' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Peaches and Cream' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $49.00
What's in a name? Everything, the name says it all, well almost. Acer palmatum ‘Peaches and Cream’ starts with rosy peach color washed over creamy white foliage. Then, add in the green veining and you have a total show stopper in the garden. In summer, the peach fades leaving a nice white reticulated leaf that holds well in all but the hottest climates. Fall color is a pastel yellow to orange and very nice. This splendid cultivar was discovered as a seedling in 1980 at Yamina Rare Plants in Australia 7 Gallons are 4 feet tall or less and rootballs will need to be broken up to fit in shipping boxes. 10 Year Size:  Height: 5-7 Feet   Width: 4-6 Feet Spring Color: Pink and White Summer Color: Green and White Fall Color: Orange Sun Tolerance: Full Planting: Elevated, Well Drained Soil
Acer palmatum 'Sango kaku' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Sango kaku' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Sango kaku' Coral Bark Japanese Maple
from $49.00
Acer palmatum ‘Sango Kaku’ Coral Bark Japanese Maple has bright coral red colored bark in winter which gives this tree a fourth season of interest more than most other Japanese maples. The foliage is lime green in spring darkening as summer temperatures warm. The fall color is a stunning golden yellow with hints of orange later in the season. It is very important to site this tree properly, the more sun in winter the better the bark color. In hotter climates if you can give it some afternoon shade in summer so the foliage will remain pretty all summer long.'Sango kaku' Coral Bark Japanese Maple is one of the fastest growing Japanese maples that we grow as it can grow multiple feet per year when young. 'Sango kaku' Coral Bark Japanese Maple is a must have tree for nearly any landscape that desires fall and winter interest. 10 Year Size:  Height: 15-18 Feet   Width: 8-10 Feet Spring Color: Green Summer Color: Green Fall Color: Yellow Sun Tolerance: Full Planting: Elevated, Well Drained Soil Our 1 Gallon and 3 Gallon sizes are available for shipping and in store pickup. Our larger sizes (7 Gallon and bigger) are only available for in store pickup.
Acer palmatum 'Viridis' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Viridis' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Viridis' Weeping Dwarf Japanese Maple
from $49.00
Acer palmatum 'Viridis' is the Standard for All Other Weeping Dwarf Japanese Maple Varieties with Green Lacy Leaves Acer palmatum 'Viridis' is a weeping dwarf Japanese maple with lacy green leaves. The name says it all, ‘Viridis’ means green in Latin and 'Viridis' is the standard by which all green lace leaf Japanese maples are judged. Acer palmatum 'Viridis' is a green lace leaf Japanese maple with light green foliage in spring, that usually darkens in the summer. 'Viridis' turns to a bright yellow to gold color in the fall. 'Viridis' will sometimes showcase brilliant oranges in the fall as well. Acer palmatum 'Viridis' is a dwarf Japanese maple with cascading branches and foliage that make this a show stopper in any garden. 'Viridis is a small to medium size dwarf Japanese maple that should grow to be about 4 to 6 feet tall and about as wide or wider. Many of the oldest, most beautiful and stately Japanese maples in America are this cultivar. Acer palmatum 'Viridis' is a green lace leaf Japanese maple that can handle a good bit of sun even in warmer climates. However, 'Viridis' would still appreciate partial sun or at least a break from the hot afternoon sun. 'Viridis' is a very strong grower for a dwarf Japanese maple and should grow well in zones 5 through 9. What is the 10 Year Size of Acer palmatum 'Viridis'? Height: 4-6 feet Width: 6-8 feet What is the Spring Color of Acer palmatum 'Viridis'? Green What is the Summer Color of Acer palmatum 'Viridis'? Green What is the Fall Color of Acer palmatum 'Viridis'? Green and Yellow What is the Leaf Shape of Acer palmatum 'Viridis'? Lace Leaf What is the Sun Tolerance of Acer palmatum 'Viridis'? Partial Sun What Growing Zones are suitable for Acer palmatum 'Viridis'? Zones 5-9 What is the Shape of Acer palmatum 'Viridis'? Weeping Japanese Maple What is the Growth Rate of Acer palmatum 'Viridis'? Moderate Growing Dwarf Japanese Maple How should Acer palmatum 'Viridis' be planted? Elevated in Well Drained Soil 7 Gallons are 4 feet tall or less and rootballs will need to be broken up to fit in shipping boxes.
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Acer palmatum 'Golden Falls' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Golden Falls' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Golden Falls' Weeping Dwarf Japanese Maple
from $39.00
The Unique Acer palmatum 'Golden Falls' is a Weeping Dwarf Japanese Maple with Small, Broad Leaves with Bright Yellow Color Acer palmatum ‘Golden Falls’ is a yellow version of the popular weeping Japanese maple, ‘Ryusei’. Acer palmatum ‘Golden Falls’ is a weeping dwarf Japanese maple with some of the most pendulous growing branches of any Japanese maple in existence. 'Golden Falls' grows straight down with a dramatic weeping growth habit. With this extreme growth habit 'Golden Falls' won't achieve much height at all without staking. The natural growth of 'Golden Falls' will create a mounding ground cover on its own. 'Golden Falls' is generally staked up to a certain height then allowed to fall to the ground making a beautiful flowing waterfall like affect. The most unusual thing about 'Golden Falls' aside from its golden yellow foliage is that it has this extreme weeping growth habit but is the leaves are fully palmate instead of the traditionally lacy leaves of most weeping Japanese maples. The leaves of 'Golden Falls' are golden yellow with orange trim and very attractively star shaped. Most cascading varieties have dissected leaves which makes 'Golden Falls' one of the most unique varieties of weeping dwarf Japanese maples there is. ‘Golden falls’ has very attractive yellow leaves trimmed with orange in the spring that turn to chartreuse in the summer before turning orange to bright red in the fall. Acer palmatum 'Golden Falls' is a fantastic growing dwarf Japanese maple that will grow best in partial sun in basically all climates. 'Golden Falls' should grow perfectly well in zones 5 through 9. 'Golden Falls' is a very fast grower and can be trained to achieve many different interesting shapes. What is the 10 Year Size of Acer palmatum 'Golden Falls'? Height: 2-4 feet Width: 4-6 feet What is the Spring Color of Acer palmatum 'Golden Falls'? Yellow with orange trim What is the Summer Color of Acer palmatum 'Golden Falls'? Yellow-Green What is the Fall Color of Acer palmatum 'Golden Falls'? Red What is the Leaf Shape of Acer palmatum 'Golden Falls'? Small Broad Leaf What is the Sun Tolerance of Acer palmatum 'Golden Falls'? Partial Sun What Growing Zones are suitable for Acer palmatum 'Golden Falls'? Zones 5-9 What is the Shape of Acer palmatum 'Golden Falls'? Weeping Japanese Maple What is the Growth Rate of Acer palmatum 'Golden Falls'? Fast Growing Dwarf Japanese Maple How should Acer palmatum 'Golden Falls' be planted? Elevated in Well Drained Soil
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Acer palmatum 'Katsura' Yellow Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Katsura' Yellow Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Katsura' Yellow Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Katsura’ has spring color that has to be seen to be believed and is one of the first trees to leaf out in spring. Bright yellow when emerging and then turning chartreuse before turning green for summer. This small to medium tree will be vase shaped when young becoming more round with age. In fall it begins it's show all over again with brilliant oranges and yellows. 10 Year size:  Height:  10-12  Feet    Width:  6-8  Feet
Acer palmatum 'Deshojo' Rare Corallinum Japanese Maple - Maple Ridge Nursery
Acer palmatum 'Deshojo' Rare Corallinum Japanese Maple
from $49.00
Acer palmatum ‘Deshojo’ is a wonderful little tree known mostly for its excellent spring color. ‘Deshojo’ leafs out in spring with a bright coral red color to the leaves which is quite striking in any landscape. These showy leaves unfortunately don’t last very long however, turning a solid green in late spring that maintains throughout the summer. ‘Deshojo’ shows out again in the fall when the leaves transition back to a bright red. ‘Deshojo’ is a fairly small growing tree in the landscape and is a wonderful cultivar for bonsai. 10 Year Size: Height: 6-8 feet Width: 4-6 feet
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Acer palmatum 'Arakawa' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Arakawa' Rough Bark Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Arakawa' translates to rough bark and that perfectly describes the most outstanding feature of this interesting cultivar. It takes 3-5 years for the bark to begin to develop its texture, but once it begins to develop it soon becomes an amazing site. The bark on older plants looks alot like that of a pine tree. The leaves of the new growth emerge with a yellow tint turning green as summer arrives before turning beautiful tones of red, orange or yellow in fall. 'Arakawa'  works well for bonsai.10 Year size Height:  12-14  Feet    Width:  10-12  Feet
Acer palmatum 'Ghost Dancer' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Ghost Dancer' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Ghost Dancer' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Ghost Dancer' emerges almost solid white with red tips in early spring then the green veins develop spreading through the leaf giving it color. By summer it is almost totally green. Fall color is a nice mix of yellow and red.  While the name and the reticulated foliage both link this to the others in the ghost series, this is not a Buchholz introduction. 10 year size:   Height: 7-9 Feet   Width: 5-7 Feet Spring color: White and Yellow Summer Color: Green and White Fall Color: Yellow Sun Tolerance: Partial Planting: Elevated, Well Drained Soil
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Acer palmatum 'Summer Gold' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Summer Gold' Yellow Japanese Maple
from $49.00
Acer palmatum ‘Summer Gold’ has arguably the best yellow spring color of any Japanese maple. ‘Summer Gold’ leafs out yellow in the spring and only gets more golden throughout the spring and summer. Fall color is orange to red. ‘Summer Gold’ is very heat tolerant and can even handle full sun in most climates. ‘Summer Gold’ will not get very large, as it will develop into a short, bushy tree. 10 Year Size: Height: 6-8 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Shishio hime' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Shishio hime' Dwarf Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Shishio hime’ is a very nice, small Japanese maple that will grow much wider than tall, forming a low mound with age. 'Shishio hime' emerges in spring with Red tips to the leaves before turning green for the summer. The leaves become smaller each year as the plant matures. Older specimens have some of the smallest leaves of any Acer palmatum. The foliage is also extremely dense. Fall color ranges from red and yellow to orange.10 year size: Height: 1-3 Feet   Width: 4-6 Feet 
Acer palmatum 'Seiryu' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Seiryu' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Seiryu' Upright Lace Leaf Japanese Maple
from $49.00
Acer palmatum 'Seiryu' is the only Upright Growing Lace Leaf Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Seiryu' is known as the only upright growing lace leaf. While there are other lace leaf Japanese maples that have some upright growing habits such as 'Lionheart' and 'English Lace', there is nothing quite like 'Seiryu'. 'Seiryu' grows with a complete upright habit that grows tall just like more common upright varieties such as 'Bloodgood' or 'Red Emperor'. 'Seiryu' even grows to be one of the bigger Japanese maple varieties that we grow, making it a great specimen tree that can be the centerpiece of any garden. Its claim to fame is that Acer palmatum 'Seiryu' is considered the only upright dissectum. This is technically correct but the dissected leaf is the only similarity between 'Seiryu' and other dissectums. Actually the leaves are so much smaller, that even the leaves do not have the appearance of other dissectums. That being said, here at Maple Ridge Nurseries we love the plant we affectionately call the "weed" because it is so easy to grow. Seiryu is a fast growing  small tree that is mostly vase shaped when young growing wider and much rounder with age. The foliage appears green in spring with a slight red or pink tinge to the margins of  each leaf.  These margins quickly fade away leaving a very attractive medium green leaf for summer. Sometimes in late summer the colorful margins reappear, but this time a little more orange. Most literature describes the fall color as gold or yellow but I have never seen this except in photos from other parts of the world. In our climate the first cold air may give the tree an orange or red appearance but the leaves will always end up burgundy before dropping. What is the 10 Year Size of Acer palmatum 'Seiryu'? Height: 14-16 feet Width: 10-12 feet What is the Spring Color of Acer palmatum 'Seiryu'? Green What is the Summer Color of Acer palmatum 'Seiryu'? Green What is the Fall Color of Acer palmatum 'Seiryu'? Red What is the Leaf Shape of Acer palmatum 'Seiryu'? Small Lace Leaf What is the Sun Tolerance of Acer palmatum 'Seiryu'? Full Sun What Growing Zones are suitable for Acer palmatum 'Seiryu'? Zones 5-9 What is the Shape of Acer palmatum 'Seiryu'? Upright Japanese Maple What is the Growth Rate of Acer palmatum 'Seiryu'? Fast Growing Upright Japanese Maple How should Acer palmatum 'Seiryu' be planted? Elevated in Well Drained Soil Our 1 Gallon and 3 Gallon sizes are available for shipping and in store pickup. Our larger sizes (7 Gallon and bigger) are only available for in store pickup.
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Acer japonicum 'Green Cascade' - mapleridgenursery Acer japonicum 'Green Cascade' - mapleridgenursery
Acer japonicum 'Green Cascade' Full Moon Japanese Maple
from $39.00
‘Green Cascade’ is a cascading or weeping form of Acer japonicum. The leaves on mature plants can be quite large. These leaves are deeply dissected and in spring are a brilliant bright green. The overall shape of Green Cascade is quite different than most weeping Acer palmatums in that it looks more like a sprawling octopus, when young, than a tight bush. It does, however become much more dense with age. Like other japonicums it is in fall that ‘Green Cascade’ really shines. Fall color is awesomely brilliant with red, yellow and orange all on the same leaves.10 Year Size: Height:  4-5 Feet    Width:  5-8 FeetSpring Color: Bright GreenSummer Color: GreenFall Color: Yellow, Red, and OrangeSun Tolerance: Partial ShadePlanting: Elevated, Well Drained Soil
Acer palmatum 'Elegans' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Elegans' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Elegans' Fall Color Japanese Maple
from $39.00
The leaves of 'Elegans' emerge in spring a soft green with gold and pink hues and a slight pubescence. In summer leaves change to a pleasant medium green before putting on a real show in fall that ranges between solid yellow or yellow with orange and red. The very graceful habit of this small tree is decidedly upright when young but becomes much rounder and wide with age.  'Elegans' does best in partial shade especially in hotter climates. 10 Year Size:  Height: 8-10 Feet Width: 6-8 Feet Spring Color: Green Summer Color: Green Fall Color: Yellow Sun Tolerance: Partial Planting: Elevated, Well Drained Soil
Acer palmatum 'Germaine's Gyration' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Germaine's Gyration' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Germaine's Gyration' Green Lace Leaf Japanese Maple
from $49.00
‘Germaine’s Gyration’ was discovered by Bob Vandermoss and introduced by Andre Iselli for his mother Germaine. This outstanding dissectum variety does well in the south, tolerating even full sun. This is important because most green dissectums will not tolerate full sun as far south as Atlanta. Germaine's Gyration will become much wider than tall with the inner branching swirling around the main trunk in different directions making it obvious where the gyration part of the name came from. The outer form of the tree however is a very pleasant and fairly symmetrical mound. Fall color begins in October as a golden yellow first turning orange then almost red as the temperatures cool in November. 10 Year Size:   Height:  4-6 Feet    Width:  6-9 Feet Spring Color: Green Summer Color: Green Fall Color: Yellow, Orange Sun Tolerance: Full Sun Planting: Elevated, Well Drained Soil
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Acer palmatum 'Bi hou' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Bi hou' Yellow Bark Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Bi hou' Yellow Bark Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Introduced by Masayoshi Yano in 1993 this exciting plant has become wildly sought after. 'Bihou translates to beautiful mountain range. Chartreuse new leaves appear edged in red before turning a more medium green for summer. Fall color is yellow sometimes blended with orange. The real interest happens in winter when the bark turns orange - yellow and glows. 'Bi hou' is an outstanding addition to the winter garden and can be paired with 'Sango kaku' or other similar trees to create a more dramatic effect. Red buds provide even greater appeal, contrasting to the bright yellow bark.  'Bihou' is very fast growing and vase shaped when young. 10 year size: Height:  12-15  Feet    Width:  8-10  Feet