Acer palmatum 'Mimaye' Green Japanese Maple - Maple Ridge Nursery Acer palmatum 'Mimaye' Green Japanese Maple - Maple Ridge Nursery
Acer palmatum 'Mimaye' Green Japanese Maple
from $49.00
Acer palmatum 'Mimaye' is an upright growing Japanese maple with attractive green foliage. The leaves of 'Mimaye' are rather small and have a somewhat rounded dhape. These leaves appear bright green in the spring before darkening somewhat by summer time. In the fall 'Mimaye' displays a blast of color with leaves that turn from vibrant orange to deep red. 'Mimaye' has a dense growth habit and develops into a short but full tree at maturity. 10 Year Size: Height: 6-8 feet   Width: 4-6 feet
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Acer palmatum 'Mirte' Full Moon Hybrid Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Mirte' is a cross between an Acer palmatum and an Acer shirasawanum. This full moon hybrid Japanese maple emerges in the spring with a dark brownish red color with light green veins. These leaves will transition to a very attractive bronze or copper color in the summer. The leaves eventually turn a bright orange in the fall. 'Mirte' is a very attractive and unusual cultivar that will add a different kind of color and texture to the garden. 10 Year Size: Height: 10-12 feet   Width: 6-8 feet 
Acer palmatum 'Miss Maple' Reticulated Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Miss Maple' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Miss Maple' is a reticulated Japanese maple with green and white reticulation. 'Miss Maple' is a very light color in the spring which really makes it stand out among other varieties. The white color on the leaves fades by summer but the reticulated veins remain. Fall color is a vibrant orange to red. 10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet   Width: 4-6 feet 
Acer palmatum 'Miss Piggy' Dwarf Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Miss Piggy' Dwarf Japanese Maple
from $49.00
Acer palmatum ‘Miss Piggy’ is One of the Most Unusual Dwarf Japanese Maples that we Grow at Maple Ridge Nursery Acer palmatum ‘Miss Piggy’ is a dwarf tree with sturdy branching and bunched up leaves that are caused by fasciations at the tips of the branches. This means that the branches have actually fused together. These fasciations are more commonly seen in conifers and are extremely rare in Japanese maples. The leaves can sometimes grow so close together that they completely encircle the branches. When this occurs, you can look straight down the branch and see a perfect ring of leaves that almost make it look like an eye. 'Miss Piggy' doesn't get very big, maturing to only about 5 or 6 feet tall, but it is a fast grower especially for a dwarf Japanese maple. ‘Miss Piggy’ has small palmate leaves that are light green in the spring and darken just a bit in the summer. In the fall the leaves turn an attractive orange and red. 'Miss Piggy' can handle a good bit of sun in all but the hottest climates where it would need at least some shade in the afternoon. The small green leaves of 'Miss Piggy' will be a lighter green if it is grown in more sunlight or a darker green if it is grown in more shade. 'Miss Piggy' is a hardy dwarf Japanese maple and can be grown in zones 5 through 9. What is the 10 Year Size of Acer palmatum 'Miss Piggy'? Height: 4-6 feet Width: 2-4 feet What is the Spring Color of Acer palmatum 'Miss Piggy'? Light Green What is the Summer Color of Acer palmatum 'Miss Piggy'? Green What is the Fall Color of Acer palmatum 'Miss Piggy'? Orange to Red What is the Leaf Shape of Acer palmatum 'Miss Piggy'? Broad Leaf What is the Sun Tolerance of Acer palmatum 'Miss Piggy'? Partial Sun What Growing Zones are suitable for Acer palmatum 'Miss Piggy'? Zones 5-9 What is the Shape of Acer palmatum 'Miss Piggy'? Upright and Compact Japanese Maple What is the Growth Rate of Acer palmatum 'Miss Piggy'? Fast Growing Dwarf Japanese Maple How should Acer palmatum 'Miss Piggy' be planted? Elevated in Well Drained Soil
Acer palmatum 'Mizu kuguri' Rare Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Mizu kuguri' Rare Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Mizu kuguri’ leafs out with large bright golden yellow leaves in the spring. These colorful leaves will darken to a more traditional green color in the summer. Fall color will be yellow to orange. ‘Mizu kuguri’ is a small to medium growing upright Japanese maple that really shouldn’t get much taller than 10 feet at maturity.10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Mizuho beni' Yellow Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Mizuho beni' Yellow Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Mizuho beni’ has brilliant orange-yellow foliage edged with bright crimson bursting from pink bud sheaths that put on a show so bright and colorful most other plants in the garden are just green with envy. After the dazzling spring display the summer leaves are green with red edges and always nice to look at. Fall color is red to orange. Winter is highlighted by red twigs at the branch ends. 10 Year size:  Height: 8-10 Feet Width: 6-8 FeetSpring Color: YellowSummer Color: GreenFall Color: OrangeSun Tolerance: FullPlanting: Elevated, Well Drained Soil
Acer palmatum 'Momenshide' Feather Leaf Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Momenshide' Feather Leaf Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Momenshide' is a green Japanese maple with a feathery sessilifolium shape to the leaves. This is a very unusual leaf shape among Japanese maples. 'Momenshide' will grow to be about eight feet tall and six feet wide. 'Momenshide' will be green spring and summer and orange in the fall. 10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet   Width: 4-6 feet
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Acer palmatum 'Mon papa' Red Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Mon papa' Red Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Mon Papa’ is an upright growing Japanese maple with a full, bushy structure. The leaves of ‘Mon papa’ emerge dark red in the spring. The leaves will turn to a burgundy, then bronze color before turning completely green in the summer. Fall color for Mon papa is bright red. 10 Year Size: Height: 6-8 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Mon zukushi' Green Japanese Maple - Maple Ridge Nursery Acer palmatum 'Mon zukushi' Green Japanese Maple - Maple Ridge Nursery
Acer palmatum 'Mon zukushi' Green Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Mon zukushi' is a fantastic Japanese maple that has large green leaves in the spring and summer. These leaves then turn to a bright orange-red in the fall. 'Mon zukushi' has a sturdy branch structure and develops into a beautifully shaped tree at maturity. 10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet   Width: 6-8 feet
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Acer palmatum 'Monticello Gardens' Red Dwarf Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Monticello Gardens' Red Dwarf Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Monticello Gardens' Red Dwarf Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Monticello Gardens’ is a lace leaf Japanese maple with a weeping, sprawling habit. There are some red Japanese maples that hold their red color well in the summer and then there is ‘Monticello Gardens’. This tree stays red all the time. ‘Monticello Gardens’ is red in the spring, it is red in the summer and then it is, of course, red in the fall. I imagine if it wasn’t deciduous, it would find a way to be red in the winter as well. ‘Monticello Gardens’ is the perfect Japanese maple for the people that don’t want their red Japanese maple to lose its color in the summer.10 Year Size: Height: 3-5 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Moonfire' Red Japanese Maple - Maple Ridge Nursery Acer palmatum 'Moonfire' Red Japanese Maple - Maple Ridge Nursery
Acer palmatum 'Moonfire' Red Japanese Maple
from $49.00
'Moonfire' is one of our favorites. It seems to grow faster and hold it's color better in shade than other red leaf cultivars. 'Moonfire' also tolerates full sun and maintains it's color into the hot Georgia summer as well as any upright variety we grow. The foliage of 'Moonfire' comes out dark purple in spring but tends to turn more red as summer nears, except in more shady locations where the color remains more purple. It's leaves are slightly translucent and tend to glow when the sun lights them from behind. Fall color is bright fiery red. 'Moonfire' was discovered by Dick Wolff in 1974. 10 Year Size: Height:  12-14 feet    Width: 10-12 feet Spring Color: Burgundy Summer Color: Burgundy Fall Color: Red Sun Tolerance: Full Planting: Elevated, Well Drained Soil
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Acer palmatum 'Murasaki kiyohime' Dwarf Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Murasaki kiyohime' Dwarf Japanese Maple
from $39.00
'Murasaki kiyohime' is a small maple that will grow much wider than tall,  Like it's close relative 'Kiyo hime' this cultivar emerges in spring with red tips to the leaves before turning green for the summer. there are very slight differences between the 2 maples. We find that the edge of 'Murasaki kiyohime' to be more maroon red and 'Kiyo hime' to be more orange red but the tint of these colors can be affected by the sun making them hard to  distinguish. Fall color ranges from bronze to orange. 'Murasaki kiyohime' is also slightly more upright when young, often sending up  vertical shoots of a foot or more on very young plants only to spend the rest of it's life thickening up and growing wider. 'Murasaki kiyohime' is relatively fast growing and will become a specimen in the garden after just a few years.10 year size: Height: 2 feet   Width: 4-5 feet    
Acer palmatum 'Muro gawa' Rare Japanese Maple Acer palmatum 'Muro gawa' Rare Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Muro gawa' Rare Japanese Maple
from $49.00
In early spring the palmate leaves emerge pinkish red with green veins giving the entire round topped small tree a stately appearance. As spring progresses the leaves change from that pink cast to bright red, then orange red all the time putting on a show. In cooler climates the colors last well into the summer before eventually turning first bronze and then green this happens quite early if you live in a hotter climate. In fall the show begins again with wonderful shades of red, orange and sometimes even yellow. The name comes from the Muro river in Japan. 10 Tear size:  Height: 8-10 Feet Width: 8-10 Feet
Acer palmatum 'Musashino' - Maple Ridge Nursery Acer palmatum 'Musashino' - Maple Ridge Nursery
Acer palmatum 'Musashino' Red Japanese Maple
Listed in 1710 in Japan this old cultivar is a Japanese Favorite. The brilliant red of early spring quickly becomes a rich purple. Holding its color in to the summer even in hot climates this tree is also said to be very hardy in cooler areas. This is a fast growing upright maple with older specimens reaching 25 feet or more becoming more round topped with age. Fall brings on special appreciation as Musashino takes on a life of it on with brilliant cherry red color.  10 Year Size:  Height 10-12 Feet Width 6-8 Feet
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Acer palmatum 'Nakakamado Weeping' Weeping Japaneses Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Nakakamado Weeping' is a weeping Japanese maple with great fall color. 'Nakakamado Weeping' has green palmate leaves that turn a bright yellow and orange in the fall. This tree grows with a very unique spreading and weeping habit for a broad leaf Japanese maple. 'Nakakamado Weeping' is famous for being one of the oldest Japanese maple in the world. 10 Year Size: Height: 4-6 feet   Width: 4-6 feet
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Acer palmatum 'Nancy Ann' Dwarf Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Nancy Ann' Dwarf Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Nancy Ann’ is a delicate lace leaf Japanese maple with pinkish red leaves in the spring. These leaves change to orange then bronze then green in the summer. Fall color is yellow to orange. ‘Nancy Ann’ is essentially the unvariegated form of ‘Toyama Nishiki’, which still makes for a very nice tree. ‘Nancy Ann’ is a beautiful lace leaf variety with wonderful color changes throughout the year that give the tree unique interest all the time. 10 Year Size: Height: 3-5 feet Width: 4-6 feet