Acer palmatum 'Peaches and Cream' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Peaches and Cream' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Peaches and Cream' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $49.00
What's in a name? Everything, the name says it all, well almost. Acer palmatum ‘Peaches and Cream’ starts with rosy peach color washed over creamy white foliage. Then, add in the green veining and you have a total show stopper in the garden. In summer, the peach fades leaving a nice white reticulated leaf that holds well in all but the hottest climates. Fall color is a pastel yellow to orange and very nice. This splendid cultivar was discovered as a seedling in 1980 at Yamina Rare Plants in Australia 7 Gallons are 4 feet tall or less and rootballs will need to be broken up to fit in shipping boxes. 10 Year Size:  Height: 5-7 Feet   Width: 4-6 Feet Spring Color: Pink and White Summer Color: Green and White Fall Color: Orange Sun Tolerance: Full Planting: Elevated, Well Drained Soil
Acer palmatum 'Mikazuki' Reticulated Japanese maple Acer palmatum 'Mikazuki' Reticulated Japanese maple (Pre-Order) - Maple Ridge Nursery
Acer palmatum 'Mikazuki' Reticulated Japanese maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Mikazuki’ is an outstanding Japanese maple with reticulated variegation. ‘Mikazuki’ emerges in spring with bright pink color that is rivaled by only a few Japanese maples. ‘Mikazuki’ has very thin leaves and jagged edges that are very reminiscent of many of the “ghost” varieties. The leaves of ‘Mikazuki’ turn green in the summer while maintaining that reticulated variegation and prominent veining. By fall, these leaves then change to a yellow color which is always interesting on a predominantly red tree. Protect ‘Mikazuki’ from the hot afternoon sun for best color. 10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Purple Ghost' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Purple Ghost' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Purple Ghost' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $49.00
Acer palmatum 'Purple Ghost' is One of the Most Popular Reticulated Japanese Maples with Dark Red Color Acer palmatum ‘Purple Ghost’ is an awesome reticulated Japanese maple with dark red color. Foliage appears bright red to deep purple in early spring depending on sunlight, in more shady locations the foliage appears more lavender. Regardless of location what makes this leaf special is the prominent black veins. In summer the color turns to burgundy and eventually green with purple undertones. The distinctive veining remains on the leaf throughout the summer regardless of color change. Fall color varies from deep red to reddish orange. 'Purple Ghost' is a strong growing, hardy tree that can be grown in most climates across the United States. It should grow well in zones 5 through 9 and can handle full sun in all but the hottest climates. In warmer areas 'Purple Ghost' should be planted in partial sun for best results. 'Purple Ghost' is an upright growing Japanese maple with thick, sturdy branches. 'Purple Ghost' only grows to be about 10 feet tall and has an open habit at the canopy. 'Purple Ghost' has a moderate growth rate and will reach 10 feet tall in about 10 years. What is the 10 Year Size of Acer palmatum 'Purple Ghost'? Height: 8-10 feet Width: 4-6 feet What is the Spring Color of Acer palmatum 'Purple Ghost'? Reticulated Red What is the Summer Color of Acer palmatum 'Purple Ghost'? Reticulated Burgundy What is the Fall Color of Acer palmatum 'Purple Ghost'? Bright Reddish Orange What is the Leaf Shape of Acer palmatum 'Purple Ghost'? Reticulated Ghost Shaped Broad Leaf What is the Sun Tolerance of Acer palmatum 'Purple Ghost'? Partial Sun What Growing Zones are suitable for Acer palmatum 'Purple ghost'? Zones 5-9 What is the Shape of Acer palmatum 'Purple Ghost'? Upright Japanese Maple What is the Growth Rate of Acer palmatum 'Purple Ghost'? Moderate Growing Upright Japanese Maple How should Acer palmatum 'Purple Ghost' be planted? Elevated in Well Drained Soil
Acer palmatum 'Ghost Dancer' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Ghost Dancer' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Ghost Dancer' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Ghost Dancer' emerges almost solid white with red tips in early spring then the green veins develop spreading through the leaf giving it color. By summer it is almost totally green. Fall color is a nice mix of yellow and red.  While the name and the reticulated foliage both link this to the others in the ghost series, this is not a Buchholz introduction. 10 year size:   Height: 7-9 Feet   Width: 5-7 Feet Spring color: White and Yellow Summer Color: Green and White Fall Color: Yellow Sun Tolerance: Partial Planting: Elevated, Well Drained Soil
Acer palmatum 'Ariadne' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Ariadne' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Ariadne’ is a lovely reticulated Japanese maple. ‘Ariadne’ emerges in spring with light pink and peach colored leaves with dark green veins. This reticulated variegation begins to fade in the summer becoming a pale burgundy through the hotter months. The leaves of ‘Ariadne’ show out again in the fall with bright red foliage that really stands out. ‘Ariadne’ is another excellent example of a Japanese maple with reticulated variegation that will bring excellent color to any landscape.10 Year Size: Height: 5-7 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Celebration' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Celebration' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Celebration' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $49.00
Acer palmatum ‘Celebration’ is a Japanese maple with reticulated variegation. ‘Celebration’ may have the brightest pink color of any of the reticulated varieties. The bright pink leaves are contrasted by dark red veins. ‘Celebration’ will fade somewhat in the summer to a greenish color, but the reticulation still holds strong. There is often also a second push of new growth in the summer that displays the wonderful spring colors yet again on top of the more mature summer foliage. Fall color is red. 10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet Width: 4-6 feet
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Acer palmatum 'Amber Ghost' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Amber Ghost' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Another of the ghost series from Talon Buchholz, this is a fine example of  a reticulated leaf form. 'Amber Ghost' requires afternoon shade in most climates  and mostly shade in hotter areas. The spring color is predominately white with dark veins in shade but with a moderate amount of sun the entire leaf becomes washed with an amber hue.Fall color is orange with red and yellow. 10 Year Size:  Height: 8-10 Feet   Width: 6-8 Feet
Acer palmatum 'Firefly' Reticulated Japanese Maple - Maple Ridge Nursery
Acer palmatum 'Firefly' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $49.00
Acer palmatum ‘Firefly’ is an awesome new Japanese maple with intense reticulated variegation. ‘Firefly’ is hot pink in the spring with bright green veins. The colors on ‘Firefly’ seem to change daily as the leaves range from pinks to oranges and everywhere in between. The creamy white center of the leaf and bright green veining make this one of the best reticulated leaves of any Japanese maple. ‘Firefly’ has an upright growth habit, forming a small to medium size tree at maturity. 10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Strawberry Spring' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Strawberry Spring' Reticulated Japanese Maple (Pre-Order) - Maple Ridge Nursery
Acer palmatum 'Strawberry Spring' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Strawberry Spring’ is a fantastic variety of Japanese maple with reticulated variegation. ‘Strawberry Spring’ emerges in the spring with bright pink leaves with green veins. These pinks turn to creamy white as the summer approaches. Fall color is an array of oranges and reds. ‘Strawberry Spring’ is quickly becoming one of our favorite reticulated Japanese maples. 10 Year Size: Height: 6-8 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Sister Ghost' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Sister Ghost' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Sister Ghost' emerges yellow with dark veins in early spring. Sometimes in early spring leaves have a slight pink cast. By summer foliage is mostly green with a few specks of yellow to let you know this plant was variegated. Fall color is orange with hints of yellow and red. Generally growing wider than tall this small tree does best in partial shade in all but the coolest areas. Introduced by Talon Buchholz as part of the ghost series. 10 year size:   Height: 5-6 Feet   Width: 6-8 Feet Spring Color: White and Green Summer Color: Green and White Fall Color: Orange Sun Tolerance: Partial Planting: Elevated, Well Drained Soil
Acer palmatum 'Grandma's Ghost' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Grandma's Ghost' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Grandma's Ghost' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Another of the ghost series from Talon Buchholz, this is a fine example of  a reticulated leaf form. 'Grandma's Ghost' requires afternoon shade in most climates  and mostly shade in hotter areas. Generally as wide or wider than tall, 'Grandma's Ghost' boasts outstanding spring color that is predominately creamy white or yellow with dark veins. Fall color is bright orange to red. This maple displays variability depending on growing conditions. No matter the result this is a great tree for garden enthusiasts and collectors alike. 10 year size:   Height: 4-6 Feet   Width: 4-6 FeetSpring Color: Creamy WhiteSummer Color: GreenFall Color: OrangeSun Tolerance: PartialPlanting: Elevated, Well Drained Soil
Acer palmatum 'Jubilee' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Jubilee' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Jubilee’ is a fantastic reticulated Japanese maple with stunning variegation all year long. ‘Jubilee’ begins the year with bright pink and purple leaves that are mixed with white variegation. These leaves then turn a pale white and green in the summer. Fall color is bright red and unsurprisingly stunning. 10 Year Size: Height: 6-8 feet Width:4-6 feet
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Acer palmatum 'Amagi shigure' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Amagi shigure' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
One of the most frustrating aspects of collecting Japanese Maples is nomenclature. This is compounded when different trees are introduced with the same name. There is a small green leafed dwarf with this name described by Vertrees before 1985. Since this tree was apparently introduced in 1987 according to Yano in his "Book for Maples", this name is illegitimate for this cultivar so we identify this plant as Amagi shigure "Japanese Selection" All this is even more distressing because this is an outstanding cultivar. Starting in early spring with bright pink leaves the reticulation becomes more  pronounced and the leaves become more red as spring progresses. In summer the leaves darken and become more purple while the prominent black veins remain. While more sun tolerant than other reticulated varieties this cultivar still appreciates some shade especially in hotter climates. Fall color is orange and spectacular. 10 Year Size:  Height: 4-6 Feet   Width: 3-4 Feet
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Acer palmatum 'Aka shigitatsu sawa' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Aka shigitatsu sawa' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Aka shigitatsu sawa’ has amazing early spring variegation. Almost the entire leaf will be cream with undertones of red and dark green veins. The leaves will turn green in the summer but the veins will be darker. 'Aka shigitatsu sawa' will not tolerate afternoon sun in hot climates but should be placed where it can get 3-4 hours of morning sun because light is required to get the red tones to show up. This plant is slow to mature but will turn into a small round topped tree that will be almost as wide as tall.  Synonymous with 'Beni shigitatsu sawa' 10 year size:   Height: 7-9 Feet   Width: 5-7 Feet
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Acer palmatum 'Dark Ghost' - mapleridgenursery Acer palmatum 'Dark Ghost' - mapleridgenursery
Acer palmatum 'Dark Ghost' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Dark Ghost’ is the newest member of the “Ghost” series. ‘Dark Ghost’ is a reticulated Japanese maple just like the rest of the “Ghosts”. Unsurprisingly, ‘Dark Ghost’ has the darkest purple leaves of any of the other ghost varieties. ‘Dark Ghost’ is even a darker purple than ‘Purple Ghost’. ‘Dark Ghost’ also has a larger leaf than many of the other ghost varieties. Acer palmatum ‘Dark Ghost’ leafs out in the spring with a deep purple-red color with reticulated veining. This color holds pretty well into the summer even if the reticulation doesn’t. Fall color is a bright red. 10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Nebula' Reticulated Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Nebula' Reticulated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Nebula’ is another in a long line of excellent, reticulated Japanese maples introduced by Buchholz nursery. The leaves of Nebula emerge a light pink with peach and cream variegation. The foliage fades to green by summer but maintains the darker contrasting veins. These leaves then change to a striking red color in the fall. ‘Nebula’ is a small to medium growing Japanese maple that will grow to about 8 feet tall at maturity. 10 Year Size: Height: 6-8 feet Width: 4-6 feet