-11% sale
The Ghost Japanese Maple Bundle - Maple Ridge Nursery The Ghost Japanese Maple Bundle - Maple Ridge Nursery
The Ghost Japanese Maple Bundle
$176.00 $196.00
  The Ghost Japanese Maple Bundle is a mystery pack of four different "Ghost" Japanese maple varieties. All of these ghost varieties have what we call reticulated variegation where the veining on the leaves is very pronounced due to darker veins and lighter colored leaves. These are some of the most incredible and sought after Japanese maples in existence and some of my personal favorite trees.   The Ghost Japanese Maple Bundle comes with four 1 gallon ghost type Japanese maple varieties. These varieties will not always be the same. Here are some varieties that may be included in the Ghost Japanese Maple Bundle: Purple Ghost Sister Ghost Ghost Dancer Amber Ghost Dark Ghost Mikazuki Peaches and Cream And many more...