Acer palmatum 'Whitney Red' Red Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Whitney Red' is a wonderful red upright Japanese maple with broad leaves. These leaves have a very nice red color in the spring that holds well into the summer. Fall leaves display a vibrant, bright red color. 'Whitney Red' is a strong growing, hardy tree that will perform well in most climates. 'Whitney Red' is a Japanese Maple that will grow into a small to medium sized tree at maturity making it perfect for just about any yard.
10 Year Size: Height: 10-12 feet Width: 6-8 feet
Acer palmatum 'Red Flash' Red Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Red Flash' is an upright Japanese maple with fantastic red color especially in the spring. The red color darkens during the summer months. The fall color of 'Red Flash' is a bright, fiery red. The picture is green due to heavy shade.
10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Rite of Spring' Red Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Rite of Spring' has a thinner deeply divided leaf than the majority of broad leaf Japanese maples. These leaves emerge in the spring with a bright red color. The color of the leaves darkens to a deeper burgundy red in the summer. The leaves change back to a bright red in the fall. 'Rite of Spring' is a shorter growing tree for an upright Japanese maple and has a real full habit. The picture is green because of heavy shade.
10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Mama' Dwarf Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Mama' is a small, upright Japanese maple with very irregular leaves. The leaves of 'Mama' are cut and dissected in a multitude of ways giving the overall texture of the tree a very different look. 'Mama' will be green in the spring and summer. 'Mama' looks great in the fall too with yellow to red fall color.
10 Year Size: Height: 4-6 feet Width: 3-5 feet
Acer palmatum 'Ueno homare' Yellow Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Ueno homare' is a strong, upright growing Japanese maple with excellent yellow-orange color in the spring. 'Ueno homare' emerges early in the spring with the bright yellow foliage that turns to a light, chartreuse green in the summer. The leaves then turn an orange to red in the fall. 'Ueno homare' is a strong, hardy tree that can handle sun in most areas.
10 Year Size: Height: 10-12 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Ryoku ryu' Dwarf Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Ryoku ryu' is a dwarf Japanese maple with small, irregular shaped leaves. This dwarf Japanese maple grows with a compact habit and the leaves grow close together. The leaves emerge in spring with a pinkish hue but are mostly green in the spring in summer. The fall color is a nice orange to red.
10 Year Size: Height: 2-4 feet Width: 2-4 feet
Acer palmatum 'Red Spider' Thread Leaf Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Red Spider' is a linearlobum Japanese maple with long thin lobes to the skinny leaves. These thin leaves have very good red color in the spring. It is a much lighter red than the majority of red Japanese maples. These leaves then fade to a burgundy or green color in the summer. Fall color is a bright crimson red. 'Red Spider' like many linearlobum Japanese maples has a bad habit of reverting meaning that the thin leaves will revert back to a more traditional broad leaf. Branches with reverted broad leaves should be pruned out to prevent this issue from taking over the majority of the tree. 'Red Spider' grows into a beautiful, round topped tree with a very nice, full canopy.
10 Year Size: Height: 10-12 feet Width: 8-10 feet
Acer shirasawanum 'Red Dawn' Full Moon Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer shirasawanum 'Red Dawn' is probably a hybrid between shirasawanum and palmatum this maple has brilliant red spring color enhanced by the white pubescence on newly emerging leaves. This very strong growing upright cultivar hold its color well into the summer. Fall color is also red. 'Red Dawn' tolerates heat and sun very well but would appreciate a break from the hot summer sun in hotter climates. Even though this cultivar is most often listed as a shirasawanum it should be considered a hybrid or maybe even a palmatum as the seeds hang down like a palmatum rather than being held erect like true shirasawanums.
10 Year Size: Height: 10-12 Feet Width: 5-6 Feet
Acer palmatum 'Oridino nishiki' Variegated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Oridino nishiki’ is a medium size upright growing Japanese maple with incredible variegated color. Some leaves on ‘Oridino nishiki’ may have green, white or pink, or sometimes all three. Under perfect conditions, this can be one of the most incredible Japanese maples in cultivation. Unfortunately, these perfect conditions don’t often exist and this variegation is often lost. In our experience, ‘Oridino nishiki’ is usually a green tree with about 1-5% of the leaves displaying variegation. ‘Oridino nishki’ is of course still a tree worth having as the variegation that it does have is almost unmatched. Another unique characteristic of ‘Oridino nishiki’ is that the bark often has long stripes of reds and oranges, adding even more interest to this great tree.
10 Year Size: Height: 12-14 feet Width: 6-8 feet
Acer palmatum 'Kinky Krinkle' Crinkle Leaf Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Kinky Krinkle' is an unusual Japanese maple with "krinkled" leaves similar to the famous lion's head Japanese maple, 'Shishigashira'. However, 'Kinky Krinkle' does not have quite the same curl to the leaves that 'Shishigashira' has. 'Kinky Krinkle' leafs out in spring with bright green leaves. These green leaves darken in the summer. The fall color is a bright orange-red. 'Kinky Krinkle' is a fast growing tree that has much more flexible branching than the lion's head Japanese maple and is decidedly upright.
10 Year Size: Height: 10-12 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Green Tea' Green Upright Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum 'Green Tea' is a fantastic Japanese maple with excellent color throughout the year. 'Grean Tea' first emerges in the spring with peach colored leaves with orange edges. These leaves eventually mature into an olive green color that persists through the majority of the summer. In late summer, 'Green Tea' will often push red new growth that will repeat the spring color cycle. In the fall, the leaves of 'Green Tea' turn a bright red. The leaves of 'Green Tea' are large and striking all year long.
10 Year Size: Height: 10-12 feet Width: 6-8 feet
Acer shirasawanum 'Bronze Age' Full Moon Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer shirasawanum ‘Bronze Age’ is a fascinating full moon Japanese maple variety. ‘Bronze Age’ leafs out with a bronze-red leaf color in the spring that eventually transitions to burgundy and eventually an olive green. ‘Bronze Age’ will typically then have a summer push of new growth that includes that bronze color again on top of the more mature green foliage. Fall color is a fantastic mix of yellows and oranges.
10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer palmatum 'Hana fubuki' Variegated Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Hana fubuki’ is a brilliantly variegated Japanese maple similar to the popular ‘Butterfly’. The leaves emerge in the spring with pink and white variegation lining the edges of all the green leaves. This variegation changes to a creamy white layer around each leaf by summer. Fall color is orange.
10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 feet Width: 4-6 feet
Acer shirasawanum 'Johin' Full Moon Japanese Maple
from $49.00
Acer Shirasawanum 'Johin' emerges purple in early spring with prominent green veins giving it a very attractive and different appearance that stands out in the garden. In summer, the color becomes olive green. The growth habit is decidedly upright. Fall color is predominantly yellow with orange markings creating a very desirable effect. The Japanese translation of johin is elegant which aptly describes this cultivar. 10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 Feet Width: 4-6 Feet
Acer shirasawanum 'Shira Red' Full Moon Japanese Maple
‘Shira Red’ is a Bucholz and Bucholz introduction may possibly be a hybrid between Acer palmatum and Acer shirasawanum. Although the color is more palmatum like this cool plant holds its seeds erect and the leaves just have a shirasawanum look to them. Spring color is bright red then hardens off to a dark maroon color. In summer the sturdy foliage fist turns bronze and in hotter climate eventually turns green. Fall color is fiery red. 10 Year Size: Height: 8-10 Feet Width: 6-8 FeetSpring Color: RedSummer Color: MaroonFall Color: RedSun Tolerance: PartialPlanting: Elevated, Well Drained Soil
Acer palmatum 'Villa taranto' Thread Leaf Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum ‘Villa taranto’ is a linearlobum type Japanese maple with long, skinny leaves. These leaves go through a transition of color from peach to red to orange in the spring, green in the summer, and finally an orange-red in the fall.