Acer palmatum 'Hoshi Zora' Weeping Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer palmatum Hoshi Zora' is a Japanese maple with a dramatic weeping habit. 'Hoshi Zora' is very similar to the ever popular 'Ryusei'. 'Hoshi Zora' has bright green leaves in the spring that darken to an emerald green in the summer. Fall color is a bright and stunning orange. 'Hoshi Zora' grows with mostly just a downward, weeping habit. 'Hoshi Zora' will need to be staked to achieve any measurable height. This makes 'Hoshi Zora' a fantastic tree for planters or tall pots.
10 Year Size: Height: 1-2 feet Width: 4-6 feet

Acer sieboldianum 'Seki no kegan' Weeping Full Moon Japanese Maple
from $39.00
Acer sieboldianum ‘Seki no kegan’ is like many other sieboldianum maples in that it is extremely hardy and displays wonderful orange. red and yellow fall color. What sets this cultivar apart is its growth habit. Starting prostrate or even slightly upright when young, with age this cool little plant becomes extremely pendulous. 10 Year Size: Height: 3-4 Feet Width: 6-8 feet

Acer palmatum 'Rikuzen shidare' Weeping Japanese Maple
'Rikuzen shidare' has a weeping habit and grows similarly to Ryu sei. It will only grow as tall as it is staked and will weep down to the ground from there. Where it differs from Ryusei is in it's stunning large leaves. The leaves on Rikuzen shidare have a similar shape to an upright grower called 'Osakazuki'. Fall color on Rikuzen shidare is also different from Ryusei as it goes yellow in the fall verses red.
Spring & Summer Color: Green
Fall Color: Yellow
Height: As high as you stake it, but naturally quite short